[C36] Jungwon Park, Jungmin Ko, Dongnam Byun, Jangwon Suh, Wonjong Rhee, "Cross-Attention Head Position Patterns Can Align with Human Visual Concepts in Text-to-Image Generative Models", Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2025.

[C35] Suhyun Kang, Jungwon Park, Wonseok Lee, Wonjong Rhee, "Task-Specific Preconditioner for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning", Thirty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2025.

[C34] Yeji Song, Jimyeong Kim, Wonhark Park, Wonsik Shin, Wonjong Rhee, Nojun Kwak, "Harmonizing Visual and Textual Embeddings for Zero-Shot Text-to-Image Customization", Thirty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2025.

[C33] Kyungeun Lee, Wonjong Rhee, "A Benchmark Suite for Evaluating Neural Mutual Information Estimators on Unstructured Datasets", Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2024.

[C32] Moonjung Eo, Suhyun Kang, Wonjong Rhee, "LeSS: Learning to Select a Structured architecture over filter pruning and low-rank decomposition", International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) Workshop, 2024.

[C31] Jimyeong Kim, Jungwon Park, Wonjong Rhee, "Selectively Informative Description can Reduce Undesired Embedding Entanglements in Text-to-Image Personalization", Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR), 2024.

[C30] Suhyun Kang, Duhun Hwang, Moonjung Eo, Taesup Kim, Wonjong Rhee, "Meta-Learning with a Geometry-Adaptive Preconditioner", Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR), 2023.

[C29] Jaeill Kim, Suhyun Kang, Duhun Hwang, Jungwook Shin, Wonjong Rhee, “VNE: An Effective Method for Improving Deep Representation by Manipulating Eigenvalue Distribution”, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR), 2023.

[C28] Euna Jung, Jungwon Park, Jaekeol Choi, Sungyoon Kim, Wonjong Rhee, "Isotropic Representation Can Improve Dense Retrieval", Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), 2023.

[C27] Jungwook Shin, Jaeill Kim, Kyungeun Lee, Hyunghun Cho, Wonjong Rhee, “Diversified and Realistic 3D Augmentation via Iterative Construction, Random Placement, and HPR Occlusion”, Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2023. 

[C26] Duhun Hwang, Eunjung Lee, Wonjong Rhee, “AID-Purifier: A Light Auxiliary Network for Boosting Adversarial Defense”, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) Workshop, 2021.

[C25] Euna Jung, Jaekeol Choi, and Wonjong Rhee. “Semi-Siamese Bi-encoder Neural Ranking Model Using Lightweight Fine-Tuning.” The Web Conference (TheWebConf; previously known as WWW), 2022.

[C24] Jangwon Suh, Jimyeong Kim, Eunjung Lee, Jaeill Kim, Duhun Hwang, Jungwon Park, Junghoon Lee, Jaeseung Park, Seo-Yoon Moon, Yeonsu Kim, Min Kang, Soonil Kwon, Eue-Keun Choi, Wonjong Rhee, “Learning ECG Representations for Multi-Label Classification of Cardiac Abnormalities”, CinC, 2021

[C23] Daeyoung Choi, Kyungeun Lee, Duhun Hwang, Wonjong Rhee, “Statistical Characteristics of Deep Representations: An Empirical Investigation”, ICANN, 2021.

[C22] Jaekeol Choi, Euna Jung, Jangwon Suh, Wonjong Rhee, “Improving Bi-encoder Document Ranking Models with Two Rankers and Multi-teacher Distillation”, ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR), 2021.

[C21] SoHyun Park, Anja Thieme, Jeongyun Han, Sungwoo Lee, Wonjong Rhee, Bongwon Suh, “I wrote as if I were telling a story to someone I knew.”: Designing Chatbot Interactions for Expressive Writing in Mental Health”, ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), 2021.

[C20] Wonkyung Jung, Daejin Jung, Sunjung Lee, Wonjong Rhee, and Jung Ho Ahn. "Restructuring batch normalization to accelerate CNN training." In The Conference on Systems and Machine Learning (MLSys), 2019, no. CONF. 2019.

[C19] Daeyoung Choi, and Wonjong Rhee. "Utilizing class information for dnn representation shaping." In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). 2019.

[C18] Changho Shin, Sunghwan Joo, Jaeryun Yim, Hyoseop Lee, Taesup Moon, and Wonjong Rhee. "Subtask gated networks for non-intrusive load monitoring." In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). 2019.

[C17] Daeyoung Choi, Hyunghun Cho, and Wonjong Rhee. "On the difficulty of dnn hyperparameter optimization using learning curve prediction." In TENCON 2018-2018 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), pp. 0651-0656. IEEE, 2018.

[C16] Jeongyun Han, Wonjong Rhee, and Young Hoan Cho. "Real-time detection of low-achieving groups in face-to-face computer-supported collaborative learning." In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers (ICETC), pp. 44-48. ACM, 2018. (Best Presentation Award)

[C15] Kyungeun Lee, Eunjung Lee, Hyesu Lee, Hyoseop Lee, Yoonjin Yoon, and Wonjong Rhee. "Who Should Participate in DR Program? Modeling with Machine Learning and Credit Scoring." In Behavior Energy and Climate Conference (BECC), 2017.

[C14] Donghun Lee, Woochang Hyun, Jeongwoo Ryu, Woo Jung Lee, Wonjong Rhee, and Bongwon Suh. "An analysis of social features associated with room sales of Airbnb." In Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference Companion on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW), pp. 219-222. ACM, 2015.

[C13] Hyunchul Lim, YoonKyong Cho, Wonjong Rhee, and Bongwon Suh. "Vi-bros: Tactile feedback for indoor navigation with a smartphone and a smartwatch." In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), pp. 2115-2120. ACM, 2015.

[C12] Taeil Jeon, Jihyun Lee, Wonjong Rhee, and Bongwon Suh. "N-Polar Visualization: Visual Analytics for Exploring Data Objects with Multiple Interactive Anchors." In Proceedings of the 2015 19th International Conference on Information Visualisation (VIS), pp. 419-423. IEEE Computer Society, 2015.

[C11] Ming-Yang Chen. Wonjong Rhee, Mehdi Mohseni and John M. Cioffi, “Practical Crosstalk Management for Upstream VDSL Using Dynamic Power Control,” in IEEE Globecom Conference, December 2011 

[C10]  J. M. Cioffi, S. Jagannathan, W. Lee, H. Zou, A. Chowdhery, W. Rhee, G. Ginis, and P. Silverman, “Green Copper with Dynamic Spectrum Management,” in AccessNets, Las Vegas, NV, USA, Oct. 2008. (Invited Talk and Paper)

[C9] J. M. Cioffi, W. Rhee, M. Mohseni, and M. H. Brady, “Band Preference in Dynamic Spectrum Management,” in Eurasip Conference on Signal Processing, Sep. 2004.

[C8] Sriram Vishwanath, Wonjong Rhee, Nihar Jindar, Syed Jafar and Andrea Goldsmith, “Sum Power Iterative Waterfilling for Vector Broadcast Channels,” IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2003.

[C7] Wonjong Rhee and John M. Cioffi, “Ergodic Capacity of Multi-Antenna Gaussian Multiple Access Channels,” 35th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, November 2001.

[C6] Wonjong Rhee and John M. Cioffi, “On the Asymptotic Optimality of Beam-forming in Multi-antenna Gaussian Multiple Access Channels,” IEEE Globecom Conference, November 2001.

[C5] Wei Yu, Wonjong Rhee and John Cioffi, “Optimal Power Control in Multiple Access Fading Channels with Multiple Antennas,” IEEE International Conference on Communications, (ICC), 2001.

[C4] Wei Yu, Wonjong Rhee, Stephen Boyd and John Cioffi, “Iterative Water-filling for Gaussian Vector Multiple Access Channels,” IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2001.

[C3] Wonjong Rhee, Wei Yu and John M. Cioffi, “Utilizing Multiuser Diversity for Multiple Antenna Systems,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2000.

[C2] Wonjong Rhee and John M. Cioffi, “Increase in Capacity of Multiuser OFDM System Using Dynamic Subchannel Allocation,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2000.

[C1] Wonjong Rhee, Justin Chuang and Leonard Cimini, Jr. “Performance Comparison of OFDM and Multitone with Polyphase Filter Bank for Wireless Communications,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 1998.


[J34] Wonkyun Kim, Changin Choi, Wonseok Lee, Wonjong Rhee. "An Image Grid Can Be Worth a Video: Zero-shot Video Question Answering Using a VLM", IEEE Access, 2024.

[J33] Jaeill Kim, Wonseok Lee, Moonjung Eo, Wonjong Rhee. "Improving Forward Compatibility in Class Incremental Learning by Increasing Representation Rank and Feature Richness", Neural Networks, 2024.

[J32] Euna Jung, Jaeill Kim, Jungmin Ko, Jinwoo Park, Wonjong Rhee. "Unveiling Key Aspects of Fine-Tuning in Sentence Embeddings: A Representation Rank Analysis", IEEE Access, 2024.

[J31] Jangwon Suh, Jimyeong Kim, Soonil Kwon, Euna Jung, Hyo-Jeong Ahn, Kyung-Yeon Lee, Eue-Keun Choi, Wonjong Rhee. "Visual Interpretation of Deep Learning Model in ECG Classification: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Feature Attribution Methods", Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2024.

[J30] Soonil Kwon, Jangwon Suh, Eue-Keun Choi, Jimyeong Kim, Hojin Ju, Hyo-Jeong Ahn, Sunhwa Kim, So-Ryoung Lee, Seil Oh, Wonjong Rhee. "Classification of Underlying Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia Types Using Deep Learning of Sinus Rhythm Electrocardiograms", Digital Health, 2024.

[J29] Kyungeun Lee, Jaeill Kim, Suhyun Kang, Wonjong Rhee. "Towards a Rigorous Analysis of Mutual Information in Contrastive Learning", Neural Networks, 2024.

[J28] Soonil Kwon, Eunjung Lee, Hojin Ju, Hyo-Jeong Ahn, So-Ryoung Lee, Eue-Keun Choi, Jangwon Suh, Seil Oh, Wonjong Rhee. "Machine Learning Prediction for the Recurrence After Electrical Cardioversion of Patients With Persistent Atrial Fibrillation.", Korean Circ J. 2023 Jul;53:e55.

[J27] Duhun Hwang, Eunjung Lee, Wonjong Rhee. "AID-purifier: A light auxiliary network for boosting adversarial defense Author links open overlay panel.", Neurocomputing, Volume 541, 2023, 126251.

[J26] Moonjung Eo, Jeongyun Han, Wonjong Rhee. "Deep Learning Framework with Essential Pre-processing Techniques for Improving Mixed-gas Concentration Prediction.", IEEE Access, 2023

[J25] Moonjung Eo, Suhyun Kang, Wonjong Rhee, “An effective low-rank compression with a joint rank selection followed by a compression-friendly training.”, Neural Networks, 161 (2023): 165-177.

[J24] Kyungeun Lee, Wonjong Rhee, "DDP-GCN: Multi-Graph Convolutional Network for Spatiotemporal Traffic Forecasting." Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 134, (2022): 103466

[J23] Kyungeun Lee, Moonjung Eo, Euna Jung, Yoonjin Yoon, Wonjong Rhee, "Short-term traffic prediction with deep neural networks: A survey." IEEE Access 9 (2021): 54739-54756.

[J22] Eunjung Lee, Wonjong Rhee, "Individualized short-term electric load forecasting with deep neural network based transfer learning and meta learning." IEEE Access 9 (2021): 15413-15425.

[J21] Won Shin, Jeongyun Han, and Wonjong Rhee. "AI-Assistance for Predictive Maintenance of Renewable Energy Systems." Energy (2021): 119775.

[J20] Jeongyun Han, Kwan Hoon Kim, Wonjong Rhee, and Young Hoan Cho. "Learning Analytics Dashboard for Adaptive Support in Face-to-Face Collaborative Argumentation." Computers & Education, (2020) p.104041.

[J19] Hyunghun Cho, Yongjin Kim, Eunjung Lee, Daeyoung Choi, Yongjae Lee, and Wonjong Rhee. "Basic Enhancement Strategies When Using Bayesian Optimization for Hyperparameter Tuning of Deep Neural Networks." IEEE Access 8 (2020): 52588-52608.

[J18] Jeongyun Han, Sun Young Huh, Young Hoan Cho, SoHyun Park, Jinhan Choi, Bongwon Suh, and Wonjong Rhee. "Utilizing online learning data to design face-to-face activities in a flipped classroom: A case study of heterogeneous group formation." Educational Technology Research & Development, no 68. (2020): 2055-2071.

[J17] Changho Shin, Eunjung Lee, Jeongyun Han, Jaeryun Yim, Wonjong Rhee, and Hyoseop Lee. "The ENERTALK dataset, 15 Hz electricity consumption data from 22 houses in Korea." Scientific Data (Nature) 6, no. 1 (2019): 1-13. 

[J16] Eunjung Lee, Kyungeun Lee, Hyoseop Lee, Euncheol Kim, and Wonjong Rhee. "Defining virtual control group to improve customer baseline load calculation of residential demand response." Applied Energy 250 (2019): 946-958.

[J15] Changho Shin, Seungeun Rho, Hyoseop Lee, and Wonjong Rhee. "Data Requirements for Applying Machine Learning to Energy Disaggregation." Energies 12, no. 9 (2019): 1696.

[J14] Seyun Kim, Wonjong Rhee, Daeyoung Choi, Young Jae Jang, and Yoonjin Yoon. "Characterizing Driver Stress Using Physiological and Operational Data from Real-World Electric Vehicle Driving Experiment." International Journal of Automotive Technology 19, no. 5 (2018): 895-906.

[J13] Kyungeun Lee, Hyesu Lee, Hyoseop Lee, Yoonjin Yoon, Eunjung Lee, and Wonjong Rhee. "Assuring explainability on demand response targeting via credit scoring," Energy, Oct. 2018.

[J12] Daeyoung Choi, Won Shin, Kyungnam Ko, and Wonjong Rhee. "Static and Dynamic Yaw Misalignments of Wind Turbines and Machine Learning Based Correction Methods Using LiDAR Data," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, April 2019.

[J11] Jeongyun Han, Eunjung Lee, Hyunghun Cho, Yoonjin Yoon, Hyoseop Lee, and Wonjong Rhee. "Improving the Energy Saving Process with High-Resolution Data: A Case Study in a University Building," Sensors, May 2018.

[J10] Daejin Jung, Sunjung Lee, Wonjong Rhee, and Jung Ho Ahn. "Partitioning Compute Units in CNN Acceleration for Statistical Memory Traffic Shaping," IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, Jan. 2018.

[J9] Seungwook Kim, Daeyoung Choi, Eunjung Lee, and Wonjong Rhee. "Churn prediction of mobile and online casual games using play log data," PloS One, July 2017.

[J8] Oh Hoon Kwon, Wonjong Rhee, and Yoonjin Yoon. "Application of classification algorithms for analysis of road safety risk factor dependencies," Accident Analysis & Prevention, Feb. 2015.

[J7] Ming-Yang Chen, Wonjong Rhee, Mehdi Mohseni and John M. Cioffi, “Distributed Crosstalk Management for Upstream VDSL Using Dynamic Power Control,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, Feb. 2012. 

[J6] Wonjong Rhee and Giorgio Taricco, “On the Ergodic Capacity-Achieving Covariance Matrix of Certain Classes of MIMO Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Aug. 2006.

[J5] Wei Yu and Wonjong Rhee: "Degrees of Freedom in Multi-user Spatial Multiplex Systems with Multiple Antennas", IEEE Transactions on Communications, October 2006.

[J4] Nihar Jindar, Wonjong Rhee, Sriram Vishwanath, Syed Jafar and Andrea Goldsmith, “Sum Power Iterative Waterfilling for Vector Broadcast Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, April 2005.

[J3] Wei Yu, Wonjong Rhee, Stephen Boyd, and John M. Cioffi, “Iterative Water-filling for Gaussian Vector Multiple Access Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Jan. 2004.

[J2] Wonjong Rhee, Wei Yu and John M. Cioffi, “The Optimality of Beam-forming in Uplink Multiuser Wireless Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Jan. 2004.

[J1] Wonjong Rhee and John M. Cioffi, “On the Capacity of Multiuser Wireless Channels with Multiple Antennas,” special issue on MIMO, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Oct. 2003.

Journal Summary (2023.3.31):

Journals (Korean)

US Patents

US patents, granted – 64 inventions.

US patents, pending – 56 inventions.

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